
What causes tornadoes?  Where and when are hurricanes most common?  What's the difference between sleet and freezing rain?  If you like dangerous weather-- or if you're terrified of it and want to learn more about it -- this is the place for you.

General Details

Instructor: Dr. Cody Kirkpatrick (my contact information)

Dates and times of scheduled offerings:

  • Spring 2023: Tuesday & Thursday 1:15 - 2:30, in Ballantine 310
  • Fall 2023: Monday & Wednesday, 3:00-4:15, enrollment 120, Rec Sports 110
  • Fall 2023: A fully-online section taught by Dr. Paul Staten

Office hours: check Canvas

If you'd like to see the fall 2021 syllabus, here it is.

Enrollment & Wait List Information

For EAS-E 144, I always open up as many seats as the dean's office will allow.  If you find that the course is full, please join the wait list -- normally, there will be a few people who switch to other courses right before the semester begins.

Because of work restrictions for the graduate student AIs, it is usually not possible to accomodate "overload" registrations -- so do stay on the wait list as long as you can.

Course Materials

There is nothing to buy!  One resource we will use is the "JetStream" website, provided by the National Weather Service.  For example, check out their page on tornadoes, which will be an assigned reading.  In addition to that site, I'll provide numerous handouts and additional readings.

You'll want a non-cell-phone calculator for the exams, but anything from the $5 Kelley one to a TI-whatever will work.

Current Weather Conditions

We'll look at national and local current weather almost daily during the course.  I bet you already know how to interpret these images!

This Website

Please do reach out if you'd like to know more about our course.  Our course content will be kept on Canvas once the semester begins.


Page updated on March 7th, 2023

Past Course Evaluations

If you're a student at IU, you have access to my recent course evaluations through the OCQ Student Dashboard. Check them out!

"What Past Students Said"

Here is a snippet of my written evaluations from one of the recent times I taught E144.
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