EAS-A 332: Atmospheric Thermodynamics

Course Plan

This page is subject to drastic change over the coming months.  It will include the major course sections, and a selection of possible readings/articles for discussion for each section.

1. Fundamentals

  • Explain the origins of and sketch the vertical structure of Earth’s troposphere and stratosphere
  • Define and explain basic thermodynamic concepts including heat transfer, equilibria, work/energy, and phase changes

2. Thermodynamic Laws

  • Restate and physically interpret the meaning of the Zeroth and various forms of the First Law of Thermodynamics
  • Explain the concept of entropy and relate the Second Law of Thermodynamics to moving air parcels
  • State the meaning of and determine an air parcel’s potential and equivalent potential temperature

3. Water Vapor

  • Calculate the heat energy required to produce phase changes of water substance
  • Derive the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship and use it to calculate the saturation point of an air mass

4. Cloud Growth

  • Plot data and perform basic calculations using a Skew-T Log-P diagram
  • Describe and sketch the dominant microphysical processes that result in nucleation and droplet growth in warm clouds
  • Describe and sketch the dominant microphysical processes that result in nucleation and droplet and ice particle growth in cold clouds
  • Use radar data to estimate rainfall rates occurring at a location



Last Updated on August 23rd, 2020